M. Pharm., Ph.D
Associate Professor
School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences
Department: NA
Phone: 08639431464

About Me

My self, Dr. Bikash Ranjan Jena currently working in Pharmaceutical Analysis & Research Division, School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences (SoPLS), Centurion University, Bhubaneswar since Jan 2021. I am Interested in Scientific & Medical Writing (Clinical Regulatory filing & Submission, Regulatory e-CTD & CTD dossier submission to various regulated markets). I have successfully obtained my Ph.D  in Pharmaceutical Analysis at KLEF Deemed to be University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, A.P.  Expertised in Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD), handling of Design of Experiment (DoE) based software's like Design Expert, Chemoface, Minitab etc., and its statistical application in Analytical Research & Development. So far, I have 12.6 yrs of academic and research experience and published 80+ articles (research, review, short communications, editorial etc.) in several peer reviewed and impact journals. I have also industrial experience in the field of Regulatory Science/Affairs for 1 year and Completed Industrial Research Project in Analytical R & D at MEDREICH Ltd. (Genovo R & D Center, Bengaluru), for more than 6 months during Masters of Pharmaceutical Analysis (M.Pharm). Currently, I am having Cited Record of Google Scholar H index 9, citations 260+, Scopus Publications 26+, Research Gate score:112.7, RG h-index 9).  I have authored and Edited 4 Textbooks, (published 1 Textbook (as a co-editor), under IP Innovative Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, published 1 International textbook under IIP as (an Editor) in "Iterative International Publisher (IIP, USA) and also Co-edited 1 International Textbook on aspects of Quality by Design (QbD) published in CAMBRIDGE SCHOLAR PUBLISHING, Total more than 26 international book chapters in various renowned publisher of Springer, Bentham Science, Elsevier Inc. etc. I am also serving as an Advisory and Editorial Board Member of several Web of Sci indexing journals i.e. IJLPR, JPRI & Board Member in more than 10 International Journals and also working as a Certified Peer-Reviewer of more than 14 international Journals indexed with Clarivate Analytics (Web of Sci, ESCI), Scopus, PubMed/PMC etc.

Patent Published: Published one Indian Patent entitled "Nanodrug delivery of an anticancer drug and their method their of" in association with CUTM on 25th Nov 2022.

Awards: Received YOUNG ACHIEVER AWARD from Institute of Scholaars (InSc), Unit of SDPL; Received INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIST AWARD ON ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND MEDICINE VD GOOD Professional Association (VD GOOD TM), “Faculty Incentive Award 2023 as "PERFORMER category from CUTM, received Research Incentive Award-2022 for publishing good number research articles, Book Chapters, Books & Patents in reputed Publishers.

Academic Activities involved: Currently handling teaching, internship, practical classes of U. G (B.Pharm) and P. G (M.Pharm) students. & Ph.D scholars. Guiding Diploma, U.G and P.G Scholars for their research projects of final year students. In addition to academic activities at CUTM, I have also involved as a Placement Career co-ordinator, Preplacement, Career Counseling and Alumni activities of "School of Pharmacy and Life Science, Bhubaneswar Campus since Jan 2021 onwards.

Research Fields

  • Phytopharmaceutical Analysis
  • Pre formulation analytical Techniques
  • Bioanalytical Development
  • Chemometrics (DoE)


  • Expertise in Teaching
  • having 13 years of academic and research experience in the field of Design of Experiments (DoE)
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Dossier filing
  • Analytical Development


  • Expertise in Handling of QbD statistical Softwares like Design Expert
  • MiniTab
  • Chemoface etc.


  • Analytical Quality By Design
  • Chemometrics
  • Product Development
  • Bioanalytical Research
  • Pre-formulation analysis


Research Fields

Dr. Bikash R Jena, currently works at the Dept. of Pharmacy, (Pharmaceutical Analysis & Research) Centurion University, BBSR, Odisha, India. He has earned his Ph.D at KLEF Deemed to be University, Vadeswaram, Andhra Pradesh, India. His current research subjected to Analytical Chemistry, Bioanalytical Method Development, validation of DRUG components according to ICH guidelines. He has Edited 4 Books, published 4 Patents, 80+ papers (20+ research, 28+ reviews, 25+ book chapters, 26+ Scopus, 17+ WOS) in UGC recognized peer-reviewed IMPACT journals (indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed/PMC, Embase) of reputed Publishers like Springer, Bentham Sciences, Wiley, Elsevier Inc. Etc.