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Sl. No. | Title | Issuer |
1 | “Young Achiever Award-2021” | Institute of Scholars ( Unit of SPDL) |
2 | Certificate of Excellence | CUTM |
This paper proposes a cascaded transformer coupled multilevel inverter which acts as a shunt active filter for harmonic mitigation under different supply main condition. The proposed multi level inverter operates with a single DC-link capacitor which signifies equivalent power circulation between the modules of the inverter. The complete architecture of the developed topology is elaborated along with its control application. For harmonic current extraction an Empirical mode decomposition based control is applied to extract the fundamental load current which helps in estimating the reference current. The modulation signals are created by comparing the reference with the phase shifted PWM technique. Finally the presented control technique is applied in the developed topology of Shunt active filter and verified by simulation and hardware results.
Intercropping system, in general, is growing of two or more crops on the same piece of land simultaneously
with a definite row proportions. However, it is very much important to ensure that component crops do
not compete with each other for space, natural resources and nutrients. The combination of cereal and
legume in intercropping provides a greater scope for minimizing the adverse impact of moisture and
nutrient stress in addition to improving system productivity, soil health and ecosystem services. Significant
enhancement of system productivity in intercropping can be obtained with enrichment of biodiversity
due to cultivation of various crop species and thus encouraging pollinators and microorganisms to harbor
in the crop field. Adoption of efficient intercropping system can influence the microbial population
dynamics in the soil. Population and activity of N-fixing microorganisms and other beneficial micro flora
and fauna are also increased by adoption of cereal-legume intercropping system. Besides, intercropping
systems with cereal-legume combination are known to facilitate efficient utilization of nutrients by
creating congenial environment. The article emphasizes above and belowground diversity and efficient
utilization of nutrients in cereal-legume intercropping system.
In this current world bigdata analytics is playing a very crucial role in business, Government communities, social media, health care and in many
different platforms. More than 1.5 billion users worldwide use social media, in the form of real time,interactive communications made available through
blogs, tweets, updates, images and videos. Because people in the society share their thoughts and preferences in the social media, there is an opportunity to analyze the social media data. Many challenges will come ahead in the development of social media analytics. This technology
is used to improve the accuracy, performance and scalability as social media is growing very rapidly. This paper discusses the work of visualization and analysis methods and their result.
Importance of health with respect to all living beings needs no special mention in the contemporary society. However, due to lack of awareness and health care services, many parts of our nation are still gravely affected due to several diseases, mostly the rural areas in general and much in particular the tribal villages.Most of the regions in India still have poor health protecting infrastructure facilities and as a result of which majority of the rural population is suffering from many diseases that could have been controlled with proper understanding of the disease causative process and possible preventive measures. Inorder to provide with better health care facilities in the Public Health Centres (PHCs), a data base of the disease causing agents and the remedial measures in the form of GIS maps will help in regularly monitoring the health level of rural public. An attempt has been made to map most common factors of prevalent diseases in rural and tribal regions in selected blocks spread over Rayagada district of south Odisha state and to develop a health care information system for the tribal regions. A well set methodology wherein the sum of the product of the weightage and rating considering various influencing parameters thatresult in an index referred as “Disease Vulnerability Index†(DVI) is evaluated for a number of villages in the selected blocks of the studyarea.Data analysis has been done for disease vulnerability mapping considering environmental factors,factors that areresponsible for thesustenance of Disease Causing Vectors (DCVs) (Climatic factors),and factors that resist the growth of D.C.Vs (General Sanitation & Drainage).Eachof the disease causing agents and disease spreading means has been assigned with a weightage factor indicative of the disease causing potential. Based on the relative levels of disease causing agents, each parameter has been assigned with a ranking on a 1 to 10 scale to assess the vulnerability level of the parameter at a certain location. Finally Disease Vulnerability Mapsand Disease Control and Combat maps have been generated for each of the blocks under consideration using GIS layering. Number of villages with high % vulnerable values and low % vulnerability values for each block in the study area and number of villages with varying levels of disease controllabilitycould be obtained. Keywords:Disease Mapping, Disease vulnerability index, Geospatial Analysis, PHCs
Foremost problems perceived by postgraduate students in
acceptance of agricultural enterprise were; lack of positive mind set to have own agricultural enterprise, not enough
practical knowledge to start the enterprise and lack of dynamic managerial ability of agricultural enterprise. Need to
conduct survey to know attention of agricultural students for investigation of agricultural enterprise, need to provide right
approaches to get in touch with various key agricultural enterprise supporting services and need to disseminate knowledge
by showing potentiality of opportunities of emerging agricultural enterprise market, etc. were most important suggestions
offered by postgraduate students to overcome the problems perceived by in acceptance of agricultural enterprise.
Association of type I single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers with quantitative traits can provide an effective method for detecting genes and functions that are responsible for performance variation in domesticated species. In order to discover novel polymorphisms in candidate genes that could be associated with growth, fragments (175 to 668 bp) from 11 housekeeping, regulatory, and immune response genes of Macrobrachium rosenbergii previously reported to contain 83 SNPs were amplified from genomicDNAof 23 growth selected (cumulative genetic gain of 18%) and 23 unselected individuals and sequenced by Sanger’smethod.A total of 45 SNPs were identified from eight genes, of which 20 were novel and 18 were found to be growth associated with allele frequencies > 0.65 in the selected group. Eleven of these were located in exonic regions of which 3 present in crustacean lipocalin (LIPC) and heat shock protein 21 (HSP21) were nonsynonymous. In silico prediction indicates that 2 of the non-synonymous alleles may result in higher stability of the proteins. Of the 5 synonymous growth-associated SNPs, 3 present in phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), cytochrome oxidase 1 (COX1), and HSP70 were a switch to the preferred codon. Seven SNPs were located in the 3′UTRs of lectin 3 and 4 (LEC3, LEC4) and anti-lipopolysaccharide factor 1 (ALF1). Only one altered allele was observed at every locus. No SNPs were found in NaK-ATPase, mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase, and tachylectin genes. This is the first such marker association study being reported for M. rosenbergii from India and will be of use in selecting future generations.
An experiment on response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties to different levels of nitrogen under rain fed condition was conducted at ITM University Gwalior (M.P.) to find at the optimum levels of nitrogen and suitable wheat varieties to grid region of Madhya Pradesh. Three levels of nitrogen (40, 60 and 80 Kg ha-1) in main plot and four Varieties (PBW613, C-306, PBW644 and PBW660) in sub plots were tested in split plot design with four replications. Number of plants per meter length, plant height, dry matter, and days to maturity; number of ear heads m-1 row length, spike length, number of spike lets per spike, grains per spike and grain weight per spike, and grain, straw and biological yield increased significantly with increase in nitrogen level from 40 to 60 Kg ha-1. Among varieties maximum shoot length, dry weight accumulation, number of grain spike-1, weight of grain spike,-1 length of spike and grain and straw yield and biomass was observed in variety C306 as compared to all other varieties. For the grid region of northen Madya Pradesh, growing of wheat variety C306 with 60 Kg N ha-1 under rain fed condition found promising.
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and
tuber yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under red and lateritic belt of West Bengal. The study was
laid out during 2014-15 and 2015-16 at Bahadurpur, Birbhum district of west Bengal which consists of
14 treatments and carried out in randomized block design with three replications. The results revealed
that treatment T
: 80% RDN through chemical fertilizer + 20% through vermicompost + biofertilizer
exhibited highest growth attributes i.e. plant height (43.3 cm), leaf area index (4.42), dry matter
accumulation (583.45 g m
) and crop growth rate (18.38 g m
) followed by treatment T
: 80%
RDN through chemical fertilizer + 20% through mustard oil cake + biofertilizer and T
: 80% RDN
through chemical fertilizer + 20% through FYM + biofertilizer. This treatment T
: 80% RDN through
chemical fertilizer + 20% through vermicompost + biofertilizer also showed highest total number of
tubers per plant (9.05 tubers plant
), tuber weight per plant (517.8 gm) and tuber yield (32.05 t ha
) of
potato and the tubers yield was 55% higher over 100% RDN through chemical fertilizer (T
). The higher
tuber yield achieved in 80% RDN through chemical fertilizer + 20% through vermicompost +
biofertilizer might be due to the integration of inorganic, organic and biofertilizers might have improved
the physico-chemical conditions of the soil.
Collaborative filtering is one of the most widely used techniques in the recommendation system. Its major challenge is how to handle sparseness of the data. It performs better with enough user rating history records but behaves badly in sparseness of the data. RBM is a generative model act as a foundation block of deep learning that can handle sparseness of the data to a great extent. However, rating prediction by a single model is not preferable. Hybrid model by combining the results of more than one models yield better results. In this paper, we have performed an empirical analysis of weighted hybrid CF method by combining RBM with other matrix factorization model such as SVD, SVD++, NMF and Random recommendation model. Product recommendation can be seen as matrix completion problem, as a user’s preference for different products can be represented in a sparse matrix. Missing ratings can be predicted by the ensemble learning models. In the proposed framework, apparel items are recommended to the active users by combining the results of different models. Effectiveness of the models has been tested with the Amazon fashion rating data.
In analysis of crop yield production, an emerging research field is the Data Mining. Crop yield is a highly
complex trait in agriculture. Basically, data mining is a method for analysing data from varied viewpoints and
summarized the same into important information. For crop yield prediction, Machine learning is also a
significant decision support tool that includes supporting decisions upon, which crops to cultivate and what
actions should be taken while growing season of the yields. The results of the prediction will be made available
to the farmer. For the research of crop yield prediction, various machine learning models have been employed.
In this article, the prediction has been done for coconut crop. This paper applied four different supervised
techniques like Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Support Vector Machine, and Decision Tree Regression
techniques to get the accuracy of coconut crop yield. This study proposed and implemented all the models to
predict coconut crop by using the previous data. The outcomes of simulation illustrates that the proposed work
efficiently for prediction of coconut crop.
The secondary electron are very important for many devices like scanning electron microscope, tunneling
microscope etc. Not only in material science but also it plays a very important role in the nuclear physics.
Especially for the development of many experimental setup or triggering devices. In Present report a
study has done for the emission of secondary electron using metal films and identified a possible
candidate which can be used as potential source of a secondary electrons.
A regulated market is set up under the law either for a specific commodity or a group of commodities set up under the APMC Acts of State governments. The main aim of the study is to find out the attitude and opinion of the farmers towards the regulated market in the Balasore district. The study was carried out with a multistage random sampling technique a total number of 90 responding farmers were selected for the study. An ex-post-facto research design was applied for the study. The collected data were classified, tabulated, and analyzed on the basis of the objectives with the intention of making the findings meaningful. In the study area majority of respondents were having a moderate level of attitude and opinion towards regulated markets, which might be because of poor marketing information, distance from regulated markets, lack of institutional support system, etc. In some parts of the study area, different schemes to improve commodity marketing facilities have been installed by Govt. e-NAM has to go still a far away.
Malaria and cancers still existed as a prevalent life-threatening ailment lacking vaccine owing to numerous pharmacological drawbacks such as high toxicity, low solubility and low efficiency. Artemisinin is a semisynthate
derived from Artemisia annua an herb with immense therapeutic potential most commonly employed for treating
malaria, renal ailments and cancer. The poor solubility of this bioactives makes it less efficient in therapeutic
applications. However, the advancement of nanotechnological interventions like nano drug delivery/carrier system improves therapeutic efficiency via target site delivery, precision in dosage, slow release of nanobioactives,
and reduced toxicity optimally. Artemisinin drug compounds possess the ability to control immunity response
and such capability has beneficial impacts in treating cancer and malaria. In recent years, nanostructures like
liposomes, carbon nano tubes (CNTs), Polymeric nanoparticles improves drug efficiency and known to exploit
in treating parasitic effect of malaria in humans. Consequently, nanobioformulations are novel and innovative
strategy for significant therapeutic approach towards life threatening human ailments. However, there is still a
need for researchers to refine the study towards nullifying the direct and indirect toxicity of nanodrugs to human
The present manuscript analyzes the dielectric relaxation and conduction behavior of samarium modified sodium
bismuth titanate ((Bi(1-x)Smx)0.5Na0.5TiO3) ceramic prepared by solid-state reaction process. The X-Ray
Diffraction acknowledges the presence of rhombohedral (R3c) phase in all composition with existence of small
secondary phase for composition more than 2% of Sm doping. The dielectric relaxation and conduction mechanism
of the compositions were studied through the impedance spectroscopy. The impedance values initially
decrease up to doping level of x = 2% and increase with higher doping concentration. The Cole-Cole plot indicates
the existence of grain and grain boundary resistance in all compositions. The conductivity enhances up to
x = 0.02 and then reduces with doping concentration, and the conductivity spectra fitted with the modified
Jonscher’s power law indicates that small polaron hopping is the dominant phenomena for conduction in all
compositions. The activation energy related to relaxation and conduction was obtained using the Arrhenius
equation, and activation energy obtained specifies a reduction in oxygen vacancies with doping. The activation
energy suggests that the oxygen vacancies associated with the short-range hopping is responsible for relaxation
and doubly ionized oxygen vacancies are responsible for conduction.
A technique to measure the bulk diffusivity of a transparent aqueous solution in liquid water using a laser beam as an optical marker is elaborated. The results of this procedure applied to Sucrose solution are also presented.
A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2021-2022 at the Bagusala Experimental Farm of MSSSoA, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Gajapati, Odisha, to find out the influence of plant density and levels of fertilizer ongrowth, yield and economics of maize. Split plot design was adopted to conduct theexperiment with 3 plant densities as main plot (P1: 76923, P2: 66666 and P3: 55555 plants/ha) and 4 levels of fertilizer as subplots (F1: 75% of recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF),F2: 100% RDF, F3: 125% RDF and F4: 150% RDF) having total twelve treatment combinationsand three replications. The results revealed that there was no significant effect of differentplant densities of maize on growth attributes such as plant height, number of leaves/plant and leaf area index (LAI) during peak period. But the treatment P1: 76923 plants/ha,showed significantly higher dry matter accumulation as well as yield compared to remainingplant densities. However, among the levels of fertilizers F4: 150% of RDF resultedsignificantly higher all the growth and yield parameters. The treatment combination P1F4(P1: 76923 plans/ha along with F4: 150% of RDF) proved as best treatment combinationbecause of highest net return (Rs. 83032/-) and B:C ratio (1.65)
(PDF) Growth, yield and economics of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) as affected by plant density and fertilizer levels.
Objective: Aim of the present study was to perform pharmacognostic, phytochemical evaluation and antioxidant
screening of ethanol extracts of Hibiscus hiritus. Methods: The free radical scavenging activity of ethanolic extract of
Hibiscus hiritus was measured by DPPH (1, 1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazil) employing the method described by Blois,
1958. 0.1 mM solution of DPPH in ethanol was prepared and 1 mL of this solution was added to 3 mL of various
concentrations (50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 ?g/mL) of methanol extract. After 30 min, absorbance was
measured at 517 nm. The percentage of inhibition was calculated by comparing the absorbance values of the control and
test samples. Ascorbic acid was used as a reference compound.
Objective: Bilayer gastric retentive floating tablets (BGRFT) with ranitidine HCl and clarithromycin using natural gums have been developed to
prolong the gastric residence time and increase drug bioavailability. Literature review revealed no published studies on the present study.
Methods: Immediate release (IR) layer prepared by using different diluents and super disintegrants like sodium starch glycolate, crosscarmellose
sodium and crospovidone. Controlled released (CR) layer prepared by using neem gum, damar gum and copal gum. Prepared tablets were evaluated
for in vivo and in vitro buoyancy, in vitro dissolution studies and fourier transformation-infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Drug release was evaluated
with zero and first order for release kinetics, Higuchi, Hixson-Crowell erosion models for release mechanism.
Results: Prepared IR layer followed first order rate kinetics and CR layer followed zero order rate kinetics with non-Fickian diffusion mechanism.
BGRFT also showed similar results as that of the individual layer. Optimized formulations were characterized by FTIR studies and found no
interactions between drug and polymer.
Conclusion: The results demonstrate the feasibility of the model in the development of BGRFT. BGRFT enhanced the drug release and finally the
bioavailability of clarithromycin when compared with commercial tablet (Biomycin 250). The present study could establish the suitability of neem
gum as CR polymer in the design of BGRFT.
Keywords: Ranitidine HCl, Clarithromycin, Super disintegrants, Neem gum, Damar gum, copal gum, Gastric retention, Immediate release, Controlled
release, Bilayer floating tablet
Oral route is the most preferable route of drug delivery for most of the drug but it is not suitable for the drugs which
are poorly water soluble. It mainly affects the oral bioavailability of the drugs. It remains as a most challenging
aspect in formulation development due to its minimal solubility. To overcome this problem formulation scientists
have employed the different techniques. One of the techniques is solid dispersions. These are gaining attracted
considerable interest as an efficient means of improving the solubility and dissolution which results in increasing
the bioavailability of poorly water soluble drugs. The present article mainly focus on the areas of basic concept of
solid dispersions, advantages, disadvantages, types and various methods of preparation for solid dispersions.
Kerala Homegardens are multispecies and multi-storied combinations of trees and crops around homesteads traditionally managed by families for food security, livelihood opportunities and ecological balance. The objective of this mini review is to critically evaluate the timber diversity of Kerala homegardens, the competence of Kerala homegardens to meet the state timber supply, challenges in adopting tree integration and sustainability of homegardens in terms of timber diversity. Timber production seems to be the most obscured value of Kerala homegardens and they are rarely taken up as a commercial venture. Besides that, tree diversity from the homegardens of Kerala is decreasing due to unscientific tree management strategies, poor market strategy, accelerated fragmentation of holdings and restrictions on timber extraction by Kerala Forest policies. The capacity of homegardens to meet the significant timber demands of society can be ensured by effective farmer awareness, species diversification, stakeholder involvement, and policy modifications.
The prime intent of this study was to formulate, optimize and evaluate the floating microballoons of rosuvastatin calcium to extend the stomach or gastrointestinal residence time, dissolution rate, and bioavailability of the drug.
Hence, the floating microballoons of rosuvastatin calcium are a valuable technique to improve the solubility, dissolution, and bioavailability of a poorly water-soluble drug, rosuvastatin calcium.
Background: The prime intent of this study was to formulate, optimize and evaluate the floating microballoons of rosuvastatin calcium to extend the stomach or gastrointestinal residence time, dissolution rate, and bioavailability of the drug.
Objective: Rosuvastatin calcium-loaded floating microballoons were prepared by solvent evaporation technique and systematic optimization of such formulations by response surface methodology using Box-Behnken Design, with the selected independent variables like concentration of HPMC K4M (X1), K15M (X2), and K100M (X3) and dependent variables as mean particle size in µm (R1), % entrapment efficiency (R2), and % drug released at 12h (R3).
Methods: For each of the studied response variables, the trial formulations were subsequently evaluated for in vitro floating lag time, drug content, total floating time, and drug content, and the data analysis through optimization was carried out by placing the experimental data with an appropriate mathematical model.
Results: In vivo pharmacokinetics study parameters for the optimized batch showed a 4 to 5 folds elevation of peak plasma concentration (Cmax), the area under the curve (AUC) data, and reduction of time to reach peak concentration (Tmax) value compared to marketed product (p<0.05). As per ICH guidelines, the stability study results show that floating microballoons remain stable for 6 months.
Conclusion: Hence, the floating microballoons of rosuvastatin calcium are a valuable technique to improve the solubility, dissolution, and bioavailability of a poorly water-soluble drug, rosuvastatin calcium.
Cotton production has been very much bountiful in the regions of india, circling the states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu. The hybrid line of Bt cotton has many advantages like of resisting jassids, aphids and pink bollworm which poses a big economic threat to the production. Bt cotton led the development of “gene revolution” in India. The HD-SS gene variety of Bt cotton enhanced profits and reduced seed and insecticides cost. Along with uplifting the food security of the nation its has also quite negative effects which are mainly making the respective soil exhaustive after the harvest, some soils are claimed to be non-preferable for the production and also creating a ill-commotion in the cattle. Bt crops releases a sort of Bt toxins which lowers the soil chemical and biological activity. The adoption rate of the Bt cotton has been majorly found in the northern states of India with the farmers and the stakeholders being having a large portion of the land. During the 2014, it was being observed in the rate of adoption of Bt cotton shown a very drastic increase and also the shape of the graph formed a Roger’s “S” Shaped curve. The farm science centres (KVKs), proved itself to be the most influencing and playing a major role in the demonstration of ipm (integrated pest management) of the Bt cotton through trainings, front line demonstration (FLD), on farm trials (OFT) and other extension activities which enhanced the overall development of Bt cotton.
Date Of Publication - 11/11/2022
Fabrication of bilayer buccoadhesive tablets with improved unidirectional drug release using natural resins is a method (100) for preparing formulation of bilayer bucco adhesive venlafaxine tablets comprising the steps of using (102) olibanum gum, colophony resin, microcrystalline cellulose and ethyl cellulose as a backing layer, passing (103) through the sieve 60, blending (104) in mortar and pestle with geometric dilution method for 15 min, granulating (106) all blending ingredients by using methanol and water, passing (108) wet mass through sieve 12, and granules drying at 40 degrees centigrade, pre-compressing (110) dry granules on a rotary tablet punching machine.