About Me |
Completed M. Pharmacy in the year 2016 from Utkal University with specialization in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Formerly worked as Assistant Professor at Roland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brahmapur, Odisha and as full time Ph.D research scholar in the Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. I have published more than five manuscript on different subject Including Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Analysis in reputed national and International journals and also presented my research works in National and International conferences. Have supervised more than ten under graduate and post graduate students in various disciplines of pharmacy. Currently pursuing my Ph.D. in Pharmacy under
Siksha 'O' Anusandhan Deemed to be University,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha
in the area of scientific exploration of wound healing potential of certain medicinal herbs. |
Basic Research on: Screening, isolation and identification of micro organism and antimicrobial assay. Screening & evaluation of drugs for wound healing from herbal origin; various biological & pharmacological screening and method development; acute, sub-acute and dermal Toxicity studies; experimental animal model, computer application with respect to statistical analysis; formulation and development of poly-herbal dosage form.
Sl. No. | Title | Issuer |
1 | SFE-Young Ethnopharmacologist Award-2022 | Society of ethnopharmacology, India |
Syzyzium cumini (Myrtaceae) is an evergreen tropical tree mostly found in South East Asia. Extracts of fruits and seeds are extensively used in the treatment of diabetes. Other folkloric uses include treatment of cold, cough, fever, skin problem and genitourinary tract ulcer. The present study evaluated the anti-ulcer activity of the seeds of S. cumini against different ulcer models in rats. The anti-ulcer activity of the methanol extract and ethyl acetate fraction of methanol extract of S. cumini seed was evaluated in ethanol, pylorus ligation, Aspirin + pylorus ligation and stress-induced gastric ulcer model. The study biomarkers used were gastric volume, pH, ulcer index and free acidity. The extract and fraction at the dose level of 200 mg/kg caused a significant (P <0.05) reduction in the ulcer index, free acidity while there was an increase in the pH value of the test in comparison to the solvent control group. Experimentally, it was observed that animals who received ethyl acetate fraction had relatively improved protection of gastric ulcer as demonstrated by different biomarkers. The present study showed that the ethyl acetate fraction of methanol extract of S. cumini seed possesses potential anti-ulcer activity. This may be due to a linear relationship between the antioxidant value of the seeds as reported earlier by several authors due to rich in phenolic compounds, which in turn is responsible for mucosal cytoprotection of the stomach and hence, participate in the enhancement of mucosal defence mechanism.
The genus Millettia belongs to Fabaceae includes 200 species which are distributed in tropical and subtropical
regions of the world. Plants belong to this genus are used as folkloric medicine, for the treatment
of different ailments like in wound healing, boil, sores, skin diseases, snake bite, muscle aches, pains,
rheumatic arthritis, and gynaecological diseases. The aim of the review is to provide updated, comprehensive
and categorized information on the aspects of ethnobotanical, phytochemical, pharmacological
uses and toxicity of genus Millettia in order to identify their therapeutic potential and generate space
for future research opportunities. The present study comprises of isolated flavonoids, phenolic compounds,
phytosterols, saponins, alkaloids, polysaccharides, terpenoids and resins and pharmacological
activities of various Millettia species. The relevant data were searched by using the keyword
‘‘Millettia” in different scientific databases like, ‘‘Google Scholar”; ‘‘NISCAIR repository”; ‘‘Pub Med”;
‘‘Science Direct”; ‘‘Scopus” and the taxonomy is validated by ‘‘The Plant List”. This review discusses the
existing information of the traditional evaluation as well as phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation
of the extract and active constituents of the genus ‘‘Millettia”. This review confirms that several
Millettia species have emerged as a high-quality medicine in a traditional system for arthritis, wound
healing, inflammation, skin diseases. Numerous conventional uses of Millettia species have been validated
by modern pharmacology research. Intensive investigations of the genus Millettia relating to phytochemistry
and pharmacology, especially their mechanism of action, safety, and efficacy could be the
future research interests by the researcher in the area of phytomedicine.
Introduction: Mussaenda philippica (Rubiaceae) is a shrub distributed in all the planes of
India, Philippines and South-East Asia. Its synonyms are M. grandiflora, M. acutifolia, M. frondosa
etc. The plant is preferred as medication for the treatment of jaundice, dysentery, stomachache
and influenza. The current study was based on the evaluation of antiulcer property of
M. philippica leaves extract. Methods: The methods used were pylorus ligated, ethanol
induced and 0.2(M) NaOH induced ulcer in rats. Results: In pylorus ligation model, aqueous
extract (200 mg/kg) produced a substantial reduction in ulcer index followed by decrease
in gastric volume, total acidity associated with a raise in pH, which, confirmed that tested
extract of the plant act by altering the mucosal barrier Thus, the gastro protective effect of
this extract may be due to the presence of flavonoid in the plant. In the same way, aqueous
extract of the plant showed significant effect against ethanol induced gastric ulcer in rat as
compared to methanol-treated group, which, may be due to leukotriene antagonistic effect or
the inhibition of 5-lipooxygenase pathway. In NaOH induced ulcer model, aqueous extract of
M. philippica revealed significant antiulcer effects on the basis of pH effect and ulcer index in
rats. The anti-ulcerogenic and anti-secretory effect of the tested M. philippica leaves extracts
point out its possible cyto-protective effect. Conclusion: In conclusion the aqueous extract of
M. philippica leaves possess potential antiulcer activity in experimental rat models.
Key words: Anti-secretory, Gastric volume, Methanol extracts, Mussaenda philippica,
Pylorus ligation.
Objective: Current study is based on the pattern analysis of various antimicrobial prescriptions for the
treatment of female lower genital tract infection and its validation of rational use in a tertiary care
hospital of Odisha. Methods: The current prospective investigation was carried out in outpatient
department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology department at a tertiary care hospital over a period of six
months. A suitable data collection was carried out from female lower genital tract infection patients
who were of 11-55 years of age group. Results: The study result found that most commonly prescribed
antimicrobials were antifungal (azoles derivatives) and its combination with other antimicrobials. The
other antimicrobials include, topical (8.4%)/single antimicrobial oral (2.8%)/ combination (intravaginal as
well as oral- 50%) followed by other antimicrobials like linozolid (4.8%). Our study reveals that,
antifungal agents are the most common antimicrobial drugs prescribed on the basis of laboratory
diagnosis report, which revealed that, staphylococcal infection in majority of the patients (42%).
Conclusion: Hence, present study shall definitely provide a small initiative towards control of emergence
of antibacterial resistance, its side effects and cost of therapy worldwide.
Bacopa monnieri and Convolvulus pluricaulis with the Panchagavya ghrita are expected to have better nootropic
activity than the combination of Bacopa monnieri and Convolvulus pluricaulis. These marshy herbs are found
throughout India having various medicinal importances like treatment of ulcer, epilepsy, memory improvement.
The present study was focused on the exploration and assessment of memory and learning activity from the
aqueous and methanol extract of Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) and Convolvulus pluricaulis (Sankhapuspi) leaves
with and without the Panchagavya ghrita (PGG) by performing different pharmacological screening models. The
study of nootropic activity was performed by using different screening methods such as; phenobarbitone sodiuminduced
sleeping time, elevated plus maze, radial arm maze, actophotometer. Both methanol and aqueous
extracts of Brahmi, Sankhapuspi with the combinations of Panchagavya ghrita showed a significant increase in
memory and learning activity as compared to solvent control group where methanol extract containing
combination exhibited better enhancement of memory learning activity in all experimental models as compared
to aqueous extract. However, it is confirmed that herbs are having excellent activities in learning and memory
when combined with Panchagavya ghrita.
Wound healing is a well-orchestrated and firmly restricted process in which numerous cell types, cytokines and growth factor have effect in a systematic manner. Any split in this process would cause hindrance in healing process which would enhance hospitalization time, expenditure, death and morbidity. The researchers especially Scientists and clinicians are demanding to discover efficient, safe and sound and economical process for the treatment as well as management of acute wound and non-healing chronic wound. Medicinal herbs have been extensively explored and achieved significant attention because of its essential curative compounds. In current day’s significant improvement have been made in to explore the knowledge and perceptive of growth factors. By nature the growth factors are proteins which correspond to the activities to cells. The function of the growth factors reliant on the receptor site they attach to. Growth factors were primarily known for the various kind of reaction produced by them, but innovative research has revealed that numerous of these cells might achieve various kinds of reactions. In wound repair, the growth factor is a significant factor of the thriving healing of the wound. The growth factors may facilitate the regulation of several activities and pathways which is implicated in healing. The role of growth factor is a developing quarter of science which recommends the prospective for wound management substitutes.
L-Asparaginase is a potent enzyme which catalyzes the deamination of asparagine to aspartic acid and ammonia. The form of the enzyme used chemotherapeutically is derived from bacteria. L-Asparaginase is used to treat childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia in combination with vincristine and prednisone. In the current research bacterial strain isolated for extracellular L-asparaginase production from hotspring, morphologically identified by gram’s staining. The biochemical and physiological tests was done and identified by 16S rDNA technology. The isolate Brevibacillus borstelensis was identified as a potential producer of L-asparaginase from hot spring water which is eco-friendly in nature. Since, it is a wild type organism; it grows pretty good in minimal media and produces L-Asparaginase. The enzyme has good scavenging property and the ability to lower the acrylamide levels in food stuffs makes it a valuable enzyme in pharmaceutical and food industries. The present work discusses the studies carried out for the production of the L-asparginase producing organism.
Keywords: L-asparagine, L- Asparaginase, antimicrobial assay, Brevibacillus borstelensis, bio-parametric optimization
L-Asparaginase is a potent enzyme which catalyzes the deamination of asparagine to aspartic acid and ammonia. The form of the enzyme used chemotherapeutically is derived from bacteria. L-Asparaginase is used to treat childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia in combination with vincristine and prednisone. In the current research bacterial strain isolated for extracellular L-asparaginase production from hotspring, morphologically identified by gram’s staining. The biochemical and physiological tests was done and identified by 16S rDNA technology. The isolate Brevibacillus borstelensis was identified as a potential producer of L-asparaginase from hot spring water which is eco-friendly in nature. Since, it is a wild type organism; it grows pretty good in minimal media and produces L-Asparaginase. The enzyme has good scavenging property and the ability to lower the acrylamide levels in food stuffs makes it a valuable enzyme in pharmaceutical and food industries. The present work discusses the studies carried out for the production of the L-asparginase producing organism.
Keywords: L-asparagine, L- Asparaginase, antimicrobial assay, Brevibacillus borstelensis, bio-parametric optimization
Formulation and evaluation of herbal hand wash with potential anti-bacterial action.