Assistant Professor
School of Applied Sciences
Department: CHEMISTRY
Phone: 9769575411

About Me

Santosh was born in Jajpur, Odisha, India in 1987 and have received my M.Sc. degree from Vani Vihar, Utkal University (2011). Then he joined for Ph.D. in the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay under Prof. Santosh J. Gharpure, obtained degree in  2018 and subsequently he has joined as a Post-doctoral fellow. Dr. Santosh was chosen for SaiLife-NOST Best Thesis Award by National Organic Symposium Trust (NOST) Council, India. Currently, his research is focused on developing methods for the stereoselective synthesis of various functionalized heterocycles and their applications in total synthesis using metal free, Lewis acid promoted cascade functionalization of alkynes.

Research Fields

  • Organic Synthesis
  • Synthetic Methodology and Total Synthesis of Drugs


  • Retrosynthesis


  • Organic Synthesis


  • In Playng football


Research Fields

In the recent era of synthetic methodology, alkyne functionalization has evolved as a reliable method for the synthesis of various complex heterocyclic scaffolds and natural products. In this domain significant attraction have been attributed towards transition metal catalyzed cascade transformations. Transition metal catalyzed carboamination of alkyne for the synthesis of nitrogen bearing heterocyclic motifs are well explored. On the other hand, transition metal catalyzed hydroalkoxylation of alkyne have attracted substantial attention form synthetic community for the synthesis of functionalized cyclic ethers. However, in some cases regioselective issue during hydroalkoxylation has been observed. Interestingly, in theses domain, transition metal free cascade alkyne functionalization is less studied. The major focus my graduate research has been development of cascade reaction sequence employing metal free functionalization of alkyne i.e carboamination and hydroalkoxylation.